The men who did this on TV shows & in movies, were portrayed to be unstable, alcoholic, immature, and juvenile. It doesn’t serve the feminine imperative. It has been programmed into society, to discourage men in general from dating non-exclusively, and I was beginning to realize this. It ended up dawning on me, that the reason I felt this way was because it was a societal shaming tactic. I had always felt divided internally over this. How such a natural inner desire to be with multiple women, could simultaneously produce so much guilt at the same time. I could never understand fully, why I felt this guilt. One thing did I feel however, was an internal ”guilt” for wanting to juggle multiple women.
Red pill rage full#
I ended up coming full circle back into the desire to remain uncommitted. This turned out to only be a ”phase” I had to get through.

In my blue-pilled conditioning, this got to a point where I wanted more to avoid these common social pressures, than I wanted to continue trying to cultivate my harem. It was only over time, through the social pressure that I would feel from family and society, that this changed for me. I had no interest in committing to one woman. It was a high quality problem I wanted to have. Juggling multiple women, was something I wanted to do. I was very in tune with the desire.īy that I mean I was very consciously aware of my desires to date non-exclusively. It was something I just naturally felt inclined to do as a man. This was well before I ever discovered the red pill, the rationale male, or Rollo Tomassi’s advice to spin plates. I remember when I was in my mid 20’s, when all I wanted to do was spin plates.

Spinning plates means to date multiple people at once.Īlways remember this: Women date multiple men simultaneously, more often than men date multiple women simultaneously. Red Pill Truth #2: Contrary To What You’ve Been Led To Believe : Women Spin Plates, More Than Men Do: Our feminine primary social order will have you believe that its never the woman cheating on the man, but instead is the other way around. Yet that’s exactly what happens to most men, and that is why they are caught off guard. You can never fully allow these beliefs to penetrate your subconscious. I got news for you: she never was incapable of cheating, you just allowed your blue-pill conditioning let you get ignorant, comfortable, and complacent. Our feminine primary social order had you convinced she was incapable of cheating. There’s a reason men end up having to feel this, and that reason is this: ”I just can’t believe she did this to me!” Unfortunately this is how the story often goes. When divorce papers get served, or when he discovers her in the act, he is often the one getting completely blindsided. I’m not saying it never happens that it’s the man, but its nowhere even close to as often as they have you believing. This narrative they want you to believe is that men are the only (or the primary ones) who cheat. The media, movies, TV, and social media, have imposed this shaming tactic on men for years now. There will always to be two parties partaking in the act of sex. A man wouldn’t even be able to cheat, without another woman there to help him carry out it out. The lie is: that men are the pigs, and men are the ones out cheating on their women. This is one of the biggest lies society has programmed us to believe. Let jump right in: Red Pill Truth #1: Women Cheat At Least As Much As Men Do (& Often More): Much MORE prone to boredom once in a relationship. Much less prone to boredom once in a relationship. Have been taught ''do what's right for you'' Hypergamy & Solipsism doesn't care about equity. Have been ''shamed'' by society to think it's bad multiple women non-exclusively.Ī woman's sexual strategy is weighing different men against each other & choosing the best option.Ĭare about relationship equity. Cheat equally as much (or more) than men. Lower sex drive, but experience stronger orgasms. Higher sex drive, but cheat equally (or less) than women I am writing this in the hopes that I can save you from that fate however.īelow are the inevitable 5 realizations I am referring to. You might be one of those people that has to learn things the hard way. You need to be aware of these, for the sake of your own sanity, happiness, fulfillment, and well-being. There are 5 realizations you are going to come to, sooner or later, about women once you’ve taken the red pill. So this is a follow up to that article (of sorts). The topic of this article, could be viewed as a seamless transition out of the points covered in that first one. This is my fourth article on the topic of the red pill, to read the first one, you can go here.