Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Chimpanzees and all other nonhuman primates have only the working version in other words, they’re on the powerful, “sprinter” end of the spectrum. ZODOKA: The First Hairless upright walking Gorilla on the Earth - Kindle edition by Mbwaga, By Lucas. People with two working versions of this gene are overrepresented among elite sprinters while those with the nonworking version are overrepresented among endurance runners. (Puny jaws have marked our lineage for as least 2 million years.) Many people have also lost another muscle-related gene called ACTN3. One gene, for example, called MYH16, contributes to the development of large jaw muscles in other apes. In the past few years, geneticists have identified the loci for some of these anatomical differences. A chimpanzee’s skeletal muscle has longer fibers than the human equivalent and can generate twice the work output over a wider range of motion. But a more important factor seems to be the structure of the muscles themselves. How did we get to be the weaklings of the primate order? Our overall body architecture makes a difference: Even though chimpanzees weigh less than humans, more of their mass is concentrated in their powerful arms. But it is a fact that chimpanzees and other apes are stronger than humans. He was kept at Barcelona Zoo in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, from 1966 until his death.

1964 24 November 2003) was the world's only known albino gorilla to date.

So the figures quoted by primate experts are a little exaggerated. Snowflake (gorilla) Snowflake ( Catalan: Floquet de Neu, Spanish: Copito de Nieve, French: Flocon de Neige ( c.